American Medical Systems Perigee Transobturator Anterior Prolapse Repair System is one product in the category of transvaginal mesh devices warned against in the last several years by the US Food & Drug Administration. The transobturator mesh sling is used to treat vaginal prolapse, which is a particular type of pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse will afflict nearly half of women, although a substantially fewer number will become symptomatic. Lawsuit claims have been filed against American Medical Systems, as well as a number of other companies that produce surgical mesh.
What is American Medical Systems Perigee?
The Perigee Transobturator Anterior Prolapse Repair System is designed, manufactured, and marketed by American Medical Systems as a surgical treatment of all four types of anterior issues:
- Lateral
- Central
- Proximal
- Distal
The company describes the mesh prolapse repair system as both “innovative” and “time-saving.” Despite the benefits listed on the company’s website, the product falls into the category of transvaginal mesh products that the FDA has warned against in recent years. Among comments released by the FDA, is the statement that complications associated with transvaginal mesh treatments for pelvic organ prolapse are “not rare” as well as an “area of ongoing concern.”
Complications with AMS Perigee
Many various complications can arise following the surgical placement of American Medical Systems Perigee Transobturator Anterior Prolapse Repair system for vaginal prolapse. Mesh sling implants have been linked to a multitude of serious medical injuries as reported by the United States FDA. One of the most common Perigee complications is “mesh exposure” which occurs when the device expels itself out through the vaginal walls. This results in severe pain and can greatly diminish a woman’s quality of life. Other reported mesh complications include:
- Urinary Problems
- Bleeding from the vagina
- Discharge from the vaginal
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Infection
- Inflammation
- Scarring/shrinkage of the vagina
- Emotional issues
- Perforation of the bowels, bladder, and/or vaginal walls
File a Perigee Lawsuit: Consult with an Attorney
If you have been injured as the result of treatment with American Medical Systems Perigee or other transvaginal mesh product, you may have a prospective lawsuit claim. Contact the Willis Law Firm today in order to have your mesh lawsuit evaluated free of any cost or further commitment. Perigee injuries can be very costly to treat, so pursuing a Perigee lawsuit may be a great assistance in alleviating some of the related emotional, physical, and financial burdens. At this time, our firm is reviewing transvaginal mesh lawsuit claims in all fifty states and on a fee-contingent basis; you won’t be charge any fees unless a recovery is obtained.