Bard Medical offers a selection of medical device products for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse, a condition that affects many women whose pelvic tissue has weakened with age. One of its options is the Pelvicol Acellular Collagen Matrix, which is described in its marketing materials as having “exceptional strength, versatility, and durability.” As a permanent implant, Pelvicol is used to help strengthened weakened tissue in pelvic floor restoration and help alleviate the common symptoms of POP. Unfortunately, Pelvicol and all types of transvaginal mesh implants have been linked to various types of injuries, including mesh erosion. The severity of these complications has resulted in numerous FDA safety communications as well as personal injury litigation against C. R. Bard Medical and other companies that manufacture these types of products.
Bard Medical Pelvicol Transvaginal Mesh FDA Warning
The United States Food and Drug Administration stated in 2011 that the risks posed by Pelvicol and other mesh devices are “not rare.” Furthermore, the specific types of risks that are increased by transvaginal mesh surgery are not present in other non-mesh POP treatment options. The FDA also stated that treatment with transvaginal mesh did not appear to offer any additional benefits in comparison with other treatment options. Although there has not been an official recall of the Pelvicol Acellular Collagen Matrix, there have been an abnormally high number of adverse even reports filed in relation to transvaginal mesh devices.
C. R. Bard Pelvicol Transvaginal Mesh Complications
Treatment with the Pelvicol Acellular Collagen Matrix and other transvaginal mesh products can result in a wide variety of injuries and unpleasant complications, among which include:
- Mesh erosion/exposure (when device protrudes through vaginal wall)
- Reoccurrence of pelvic organ prolapse
- Organ puncture/perforation (of bladder, bowels, intestines, and/or vaginal wall)
- Vaginal scarring/shrinkage
- Vaginal bleeding and/or discharge
- Dyspareunia
- Emotional & Neuromuscular complications
File a Pelvicol Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit: Consult with an Attorney
If you have suffered injuries due to treatment with a transvaginal mesh product, call the Willis Law Firm today for your C. R. Bard Pelvicol lawsuit evaluation free of charge or further obligations. In addition to C. R. Bard, we are also representing transvaginal mesh clients treated with products from: American Medical Systems, Boston Scientific, and Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon division. You may be entitled to financial damages for the physical, emotional, and financial suffering that you’ve experienced as the result of transvaginal mesh treatment. Our firm is currently reviewing mesh injury cases nationwide; all Pelvicol clients are represented on a contingency basis.