After the issuance of multiple warnings by the FDA regarding the use of transvaginal mesh used for the treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse, many patients have begun to file lawsuits against the makers of mesh devices, like Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon. After being made aware of the debilitating complications associated with Ethicon TVT, the Willis Law Firm is currently reviewing potential lawsuits nationwide on behalf of women who have suffered severe complications as a result of Johnson & Johnson’s vaginal mesh products. Many of these women could have avoided such terrible physical consequences had they been sufficiently warned of the potential dangers associated with choosing transvaginal mesh as a course of treatment.
Johnson & Johnson Ethicon TVT
Transvaginal mesh, including those produced by Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon, is a type of surgical device intended for use as a permanent solution to the distressing medical condition of Pelvic Organ Prolapse. This condition, also known as POP, occurs when an organ in the pelvic area drops from its normal position and begins to presh against the walls of the vagina. It most commonly affects the bladder, but can also occur in the urethra, uterus, small bowel, or even the rectum. Johnson & Johnson Ethicon’s vaginal mesh works to provide extra support and strengthen these organs preventing further problems. Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon division currently produces and distributes several varieties of transvaginal mesh systems including: Ethicon Prolene Mesh, Ethicon Gynecare Gynemesh, Ethicon Gynecare Prolift Pelvic Mesh, and Ethicon Gynecare TVT sling.
Johnson & Johnson Ethicon TVT Complications
In the year of 2010 alone, surgical mesh was used in the treatment of at least 100,000 Pelvic Organ Prolapse Patients, and in 75,000 of these cases the mesh was placed transvaginally, as with Ethicon TVT. Unfortunately, use of J&J’s Ethicon’s TVT has been marked by serious complications. These complications most commonly occur when the TVT mesh pushes through the walls of the vagina, and is also called erosion, extrusion, or protrusion. Oftentimes when Ethicon TVT treatment results in this type of complication, repeated invasive surgery is required in order to remove the mesh, which can break into multiple smaller pieces. Obviously, complications with Johnson & Johnson Ethicon can quickly become a very expensive problem. For this reason, many women choose to pursue an Ethicon TVT lawsuit in order to be reimbursed for financial, emotional, and the physical damages they incur.
Ethicon TVT Lawsuit – Talk to a Lawyer
If you or a loved one has suffered as a result of the complications of using Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon TVT in the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse, a lawsuit against its producers may be the right course of action for you to pursue. The Willis Law Firm is currently reviewing and accepting cases against the makers of transvaginal mesh; please call us today. We have female consultants standing by ready to evaluate your potential case for free. We work on a contingency basis, meaning that we do not charge unless we recover for you.