Zofran, otherwise known as ondansetron (generic) is a prescription drug which doctors most commonly prescribe to treat severe nausea and vomiting. In some cases, doctors prescribe Zofran to women who are pregnant and experiencing severe morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy. Zofran, however, has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of morning sickness in pregnant women.
While Zofran has been proven to be effective for the treatment of nausea and vomiting, recent research suggests that there may significant risk of Zofran and birth defects when taken during all or part of pregnancy. These significant Zofran side effects may affect both the pregnant mother and the unborn infant.
How does Zofran work?
Zofran (generic: ondansetron) functions by stopping chemicals in the body which trigger nausea and vomiting. Zofran may be taken orally via tablet or via injection. Pregnant women who are experiencing severe morning sickness (i.e., nausea and vomiting) are typically given the oral Zofran tablet which is an 8mg does taken once or twice/day.
Nobody knows exactly what the cause of morning sickness is among pregnant women, new data suggests that more than half of all pregnant women will experience some morning sickness during pregnancy. Some women who experience severe morning sickness while pregnant have looked past traditional over the counter nausea solutions for more decisive relief. This demand has led to doctors prescribing Zofran to pregnant women ‘off-label.’ This means that Zofran is being prescribed to treat individuals that it was not approved for by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Zofran and the Risk of Birth Defects
Recent research has produced some startling data which suggests that there may be a direct link between prescription Zofran and birth defects. Zofran and birth defects studies have been underway for much of the last decade, and have produced varying findings. One study suggested that mothers who take Zofran during all or part of pregnancy may be as much as twice as likely to have an infant suffering from a birth defect such as cleft lip or cleft palate as women who do not take Zofran during pregnancy.
Morning sickness caused by pregnancy is typically most severe during the first trimester. This is particularly alarming because it coincides with the results of some studies which state that the risk of Zofran and birth defects may be highest when Zofran is taken during the first trimester of pregnancy. The first trimester of pregnancy is a crucial stage of development for the infant, and a time when the risk of birth defects may be high.
Zofran and Birth Defects Lawsuit – Talk to a Lawyer
If you took Zofran (generic: ondansetron) during all or part of pregnancy and your child was born with serious heart and other birth defects then call for a Free & Confidential Zofran Lawsuit Evaluation as you and your child may have a legal right to monetary compensation for damages and injuries. There is no charge for discussing your potential Zofran lawsuit with a board certified attorney. Call 1-800-883-9858