Despite being presented as a minimally invasive and permanent treatment option for pelvic organ prolapse, transvaginal mesh implants, like American Medical System’s Elevate, are believed to negatively impact the quality of life for many female patients. The United States is currently investigating a long list of mesh bladder slings, like Elevate, that have been associated with elevated risks of complications and physical harm. In a period of less than two years, the FDA was flooded with nearly three thousand incident reports of side effects and medical complications in regard to transvaginal mesh, and are concerned that since that time, the number of mesh injuries has remained high. A common response to being injured by a transvaginal mesh procedure is filing an American Medical Systems Elevate lawsuit in order to help with ballooning medical expenses.
What is American Medical Systems Elevate?
American Medical Systems created the Elevate Prolapse Repair System to help treat a condition called Pelvic Organ Prolapse, or POP. This medical condition occurs due to weakened tissue in the pelvic area and will affect nearly 50% of women within their lifetimes. The Elevate Prolapse repair system comes in two varieties depending on the location of the prolapsed organs:
- Elevate Anterior & Apical Prolapse Repair System
- Elevate Apical & Posterior Prolapse Repair System
Each of the systems works by lifting and supporting weak tissue to help restore pelvic organs to their appropriate position. However, the US Food & Drug Administration has publically informed consumers that serious physical injuries resulting from Elevate and other transvaginal mesh procedures are not rare.
American Medical Systems Elevate Mesh Erosion
When a patient is treated for pelvic organ prolapse with AMS Elevate Prolapse Repair System, she is under the impression that the solution will be permanent. Unfortunately, many women find themselves in a worse physical state AFTER undergoing transvaginal mesh surgery. A common complication following this type of procedure is called “mesh erosion” and requires at least one revision surgery in order to correct. Due to the ability of Elevate and other mesh products to break apart into smaller pieces inside the body, sometimes mesh erosion can never be fully remedied.
File an American Medical Systems Elevate Lawsuit: Speak to a Lawyer
Many women injured following surgical treatment with American Medical Systems Elevate and other mesh bladder sling products choose to pursue litigation and file lawsuit claims against the companies manufacturing the device. Filing an Elevate Lawsuit helps to assist a mesh injury victim with the various medical expenses required for the treatment of their condition. If you believe that you have been injured by American Medical Systems Elevate or similar mesh product, call the Willis Law Firm at once. Our gifted team of legal professionals has all the information you need in order to help with the filing of your lawsuit claim. Currently our firm is accepting vaginal mesh clients across the nation on a fee contingent basis.