C. R. Bard, sometimes known only as Bard Medical, is a company founded in 1907 that manufactures medical equipment that is used worldwide. As of the year 2009, C. R. Bard employed around eleven thousand employees and specialized in products used in the medical fields of surgery, urology, and oncology. One product that Bard Medicals offers for the surgical treatment pelvic organ prolapse is its Pelvisoft Acellular Collagen Biomesh. Pelvisoft mesh can be used to repair and rebuild posterior, anterior, as well as apical problems. Despite its use of porous synthetic mesh, C. R. Bard Pelvisoft and all other mesh implants used in transvaginal surgery have been found to be dangerous and result in complications and injury. For this reason, biomesh lawsuit claims have been filed against C. R. Bard and at least three other medical technology companies that produce mesh:
- American Medical Systems
- Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon
- Boston Scientific
Is Bard Medical’s Pelvisoft Biomesh Dangerous?
In 2011, the US Food and Drug Administration declared that the risk of injury following pelvic organ prolapse treatment with Pelvisoft and other mesh implants was “not rare.” The FDA also stated that transvaginal mesh injuries were an area of ongoing concern that required further investigation. These statements came following an unusually large number of “adverse event reports” made regarding Pelvisoft and other mesh products used in pelvic floor repair. C. R. Bard Pelvisoft lawsuit claims have been filed around the country by women who allege that the transvaginal mesh implant is responsible for their injuries.
C. R. Bard Pelvisoft Biomesh Erosion
One of the most painful, yet also most common of the complications related to C. R. Bard’s Pelvisoft Acellular Collagen Biomesh, is called mesh erosion. Pelvisoft erosion occurs when the synthetic materials of the implant painfully grind through surrounding tissues, often extruding through the vaginal wall. Other names for this Pelvisoft injury include: mesh protrusion and mesh exposure. Following the discovery of Pelvisoft erosion, a patient will require further revision surgeries in order to remove the biomesh. Unfortunately, even with multiple surgeries, some women find themselves suffering from the pain, bleeding, and decrease in quality of life that comes with mesh erosion.
File a Pelvisoft Lawsuit: Speak with a Transvaginal Mesh Erosion Attorney
Have you experienced injuries and/or a decrease in quality of life following surgical implantation of C. R. Bard’s Pelvisoft Biomesh or another transvaginal mesh product? Victims of mesh erosion and other complications may be eligible for financial damages in relation to their injuries. Call the Willis Law Firm today in order to receive a free and confidential Pelvisoft lawsuit evaluation.