DePuy Hip Replacement Recall
Our lawyers are currently representing clients nationwide in DePuy ASR (Articular Surface Replacement) hip implant recall cases. In August of 2010, DePuy Orthopaedics, a division of conglomerate Johnson & Johnson, recalled their DePuy ASR hip replacement systems. DePuy Orthopaedics estimates that in the years from 2003 to 2009, more than 90,000 patients across the globe received DePuy hip replacements.
Why Were DePuy Hip Devices Recalled?
The recall was sparked because of the unusually high rate of failure of the DePuy ASR systems. Up to one in every eight recipients of a DePuy hip device require a revision surgery to replace the faulty hip implant. That number is way too high.
Metal toxicity is caused in DePuy hip replacements by the release of metals into the bloodstream due to metal-on-metal grinding. Due to this grinding, many DePuy hip implant recipients may be faced with health issues associated with metal poisoning in the future, along with damage to the surrounding muscle and tissue.
Symptoms of a Failed DePuy Hip Implant
Some of the more common problems among faulty DePuy hip replacements may include:
- Pain
- Dislocation or detachment from the bone
- Swelling and inflammation
- Fracturing or loosening
- Metal toxicity
- Grinding and popping
One of the most common issues associated with a defective DePuy hip replacement is metal toxicity. Some symptoms of metal toxicity may include:
- Chronic pain throughout the muscles and tendons or any soft tissues of the body
- Chronic malaise – general feeling of discomfort, fatigue, and illness
- Brain fog – state of forgetfulness and confusion
- Chronic infections such as Candida
- Gastrointestinal complaints, such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, heartburn, and indigestion
- Food allergies
- Dizziness
- Migraines and/or headaches
- Visual disturbances
- Mood Swings, depression, and/or anxiety
- Nervous system malfunctions – burning extremities, numbness, tingling, paralysis, and/or an electrifying feeling throughout the body
DePuy Hip: Metal Toxicity Lawsuit
Anyone who received a recalled DePuy hip implant may be eligible to receive compensation for the defective product, even if they have not yet experienced pain or symptoms.
Following the recall, DePuy sent letters to hip replacement recipients, asking them to release their medical records to the company. If you are contacted by DePuy, Johnson & Johnson or a company called Broadspire, we suggest that you speak to an attorney at our law firm before talking to the representatives of those companies.
Metal Toxicity Lawsuit: Speak to an Attorney
If you or a loved one received one of the recalled DePuy hip replacement devices, we suggest you call a lawyer at our law firm immediately. You may be entitled to compensation from the maker of the faulty DePuy device.