What is Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)?
A baby born with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome has a severely underdeveloped left side of its heart. In babies born with HLHS, the mitral and aortic valves are closed or so small they do not function adequately. The left ventricle is also very small and the first part of the aorta maybe almost non existent, resulting in a heart that can not support sufficient enough circulation to for the body to thrive and survive. In HLHS babies the right ventricle must do all the pumping of blood to the lungs and out through the patent ductus arterious. A baby with HLHS must have immediate surgery to survive.
Zofran® NEVER Approved by FDA to be taken During Pregnancy!
Zofran was approved to be taken for nausea for chemotherapy patients. Though Zofran has a Pregnancy Category B, Zofran was NOT approved by FDA for use by pregnant women. ObGyn’s and other Doctors prescribing Zofran for an UN-APPROVED use or treatment is legal, but can also be risky to the fetus of the mother. In fact the maker of Zofran, GlaxoSmithKline(GSK) was marketed without FDA approval of pregnant women and later was forced to pay a Two Billion Dollar fine.
Zofran Pregnancy Side Effects
Zofran taken during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause serious heart defects in the developing fetus as it has been shown that Zofran can cross the placental barrier during the critical cell and tissue development and effect the development of the heart and other organs and structure in unborn. In the first trimester (1-3 months), serious heart damage including the most serious congenital heart defect, Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) and many birth injuries.
Zofran® Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Lawsuit
If you took Zofran during pregnancy and later your child was born with a HLHS, cleft lip, cleft palate or other serious heart defect or birth defect, then call for a Free & Confidential Zofran Lawsuit Evaluation. Talk to a Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Lawyer licensed in Texas and in New York with a National Presence with the Highest Peer Review Rating. All Zofran birth injury cases are taken on a contingency fee basis and the client is never charged an attorney fee or any legal case expenses unless a recovery is obtained.
To contact a lawyer to discuss a potential Zofran HLHS Lawsuit or call us Toll Free 1-800-883-9858