Benicar Warning Announced
Prior to July 3, 2013, just over one year ago, the manufacturers of Benicar had failed to place a proper warning on the hyperextension drug manufactured to treat high blood pressure. Benicar, along with its generic brand names Azor and Tribenzor, was forced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to implement an amended warning label to include a new concern that patient and doctors were experiencing as a side effect of Benicar.
Individuals taking Benicar and its similar were starting to see a change in their gastrointestinal track and suffer immense pain in the abdominal area. The pain and uncomfortability led to chronic diarrhea and excessive weight loss. As the doctors began to recognize the correlation of Benicar users and the individuals suffering from the side effects listed, a proper recall and investigation began on the drug. The FDA released a safety announcement in July of 2013 warning all users of Benicar of the potential side effects that were not properly tested or listed on the label.
The announcement also included a recommendation to discontinue ingestion of the drug if you have experienced these effects and immediately start another prescription to treat the high blood pressure, the original means for the drug. Failing to do so may result in further failure of the GI track and the body’s proper regulation of blood pressure. You can see the full safety announcement here.
The FDA was created to protect and promote the health of consumers. Through their safety announcements, investigations, and recalls, doctors and patients have the ability to catch and monitor drugs that are mislabeled or treat side effects that were not originally foreseen. However, there are instances in which neither the FDA nor the doctors can repair the damage that a drug has left on an individual’s body.
Benicar Injury ?
Have you been affected by Benicar? Are you suffering from chronic diarrhea or excessive weight loss after taking the hyperextension drug or its generics? If you or someone you know can relate to the safety warning published by the FDA and have been suffering from these side effects, call The Willis Law Firm for your free consolation. An attorney is waiting to discuss your legal options with you and evaluate your potential Benicar claim. Call Toll-Free 1-800-883-9858.