Diagnosing Low Testosterone
A testosterone test is done by collecting a blood sample, and it can determine the level of the androgen testosterone present. Normal male testosterone blood levels fall between 300 ng/dL and 1000 ng/dL. Preparation for a Low T Diagnosis Blood Test is very minimal, but some doctors do prefer to draw the patient’s blood in the morning because this is when testosterone levels are naturally highest. While testosterone levels naturally fall as men age, Low T blood tests can help in making a diagnosis of abnormally low testosterone levels—known as hypogonadism.
Diagnosis of Low Testosterone Levels
After the blood is collected, it will be tested for the level of the male hormone testosterone. The normal range may vary slightly from lab to lab, but you should be notified of your level once the sample has been analyzed. Results for a low t blood test typically take 1-2 days to be processed. A doctor will then use other determining health factors to evaluate your test results.
Reasons for Low T Diagnosis
Low testosterone is usually attributed to one or more of the following conditions:
• A problem with the testicles – due to chronic illness, pituitary gland problems, or injury to the testes.
• Chronic Alcohol Use
• Hereditary diseases
• Prostate Cancer Treatment
• Liver Disease
Why Do Men Have Low T Blood Tests?
Before receiving a Low T Diagnosis, men with hypogonadism typically seek treatment for one or more of the following scenerios:
- Difficulty fathering a child: low levels of testosterone can decrease a man’s sperm count
- Lack of libido: low T levels can result in a loss of sexual appetite as well as erectile dysfunction
- Fatigue or decrease in energy: testosterone production is also linked to vitality and energy levels in men, as well as the production of muscle mass.
Low Testosterone Treatment Options and Risks
Doctors often prescribe testosterone replacement therapy to treat the symptoms associated with low T levels. These can come in the form of gels, patches, injections, implants, and mouth inserts as well. Popular brand names of low T therapy treatments include Axiron, AndroDerm, AndroGel, Fortesta, Delatestryl, Depo-Testosterone, Striant, and Testim.
If you or a loved one has experienced a serious side effect following use of a low t supplement, call the Willis Law Firm today. We are currently reviewing Low T Therapy victim lawsuits nationwide, including men who have experienced strokes, heart attacks, and other serious adverse events. The FDA is currently reviewing medical research that suggests a link between testosterone replacement therapy and heart attacks/strokes/death. Call today for your free and confidential case evaluation.
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